Dragon Magi
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Dragon Magi - A new game for Mac OS X

Last updated: 11.16.03

Level Editor - 11.16.03

Current development is focused on a level editor, which may or may not be included with the standard version of the game. However, it will allow developers to easily modify and create levels for the game.

I am back! - 11.11.03

After a long break, I am back into development of dragonmagi! I am almost done with the core game engine, which should provide a robust and fast method for movement of the character, and interaction with the character's environment. Updates to come shortly. Currently in the works is a whole new gravitational system. Jumping, objects, and movement should be improved in the latest release.

In the development information section, you can find out the latest info about the development of Dragon Magi. You can download the current source code and the precompiled application in the download section.

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